2 min readJul 30, 2021

Fear the intrinsic fear you have, but nothing else!

Transform fear into action.

I’m Hafsa Rizvan.

This is my first ever blog. Feeling like I should have started so long ago.

Anyways, What made me so long to begin up with this? it’s nothing else but the fear I had! The answer is quite simple as that.

with that said, let me proceed by saying how I did overcome the fear I had?

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash


I understood That,” fear is not real and destroys the peace of the present, filling the mind with thoughts about the future.”

Also, I understood that many of us have the same problem. Where I could draw parallels only once after watching a video on youtube (How writing Online Made me a millionaire) by Ali Abdaal.Where he listed the same fears I did bottle up so long. such as;

‘What do I write about? everything is already said and nothing is there for me to write! , why would anyone read my stuff?’’ and so on and on...

And then the very next minute after watching the video, I had the confidence to write a blog. and it is this!

where my first blog itself quite ironically turned out to be the one which is about how I started writing this.

Don't let your fear stop you from doing something anew!

Thanks for reading :)